Family Therapy

Fredric Matteson is available for CCT family therapy at his Seattle office. Often a client seeing Matteson for individual CCT therapy sessions, will invite in other family members for a series of sessions to share with them the same CCT language and "skills set" being learned by the individual client.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call (206) 550-3961 or contact us using this form.

[*The CCT Program is intended to complement and augment pre-existing programs (not to replace them or compete with them) and to provide a Contextual-Conceptual framework which will make them and any suicide prevention program, more efficacious. Read More!]

Client Testimonials

The following testimonials are from clients whose lives have been touched by Contextual-Conceptual Therapy.  To protect client confidentiality, names have been omitted.  

"I think this program should be mandatory for everyone in the world. It has taken 4 different mental health facilities to get to this one and I'm thanking God I am here to finally get this.”

“I think I learned more in 4 days than what 4 years of college would have taught.”

“This whole experience is by far one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I learned so much about myself… I learned how to stop and look behind me to see not just the pain, but the problem that was causing the pain and how to fix the problem so I could move on and be happy. Thank you so much.”

“This program is a life-changing experience.”

“What I experienced in just a few days has changed my life forever. I now feel like I have my life back.”

“After my last day (of the program)... I feel as if I’m a new person with a newfound knowledge of self-acceptance & self-love… I have all of the tools to change from my habitual self to that wonderful person within me that has always been there but I never knew how to connect.”

“I came here with only one thought – to kill myself… Well, for the first time in my life I “see the light…  This CCT modality is absolutely the most eye-opening, fear-wrenching, tears-provoking answer that I’ve been looking for. Without your “coaching”, without your “guidance” I surely would have left the same way I came in, dead on the inside and on the way to death on the outside.”

“This program really works! Thanks for helping (showing) me and giving me the “tools” to take my life back!!!”

“I saved my life, but you showed me ME.”

“What I experienced in just a few days has changed my life forever. I now feel like I have MY life back.”

“Never did I imagine I could have such a life-changing, positive experience.  I not only learned how to start taking care of myself, but also how to love myself.  I now feel I have a reason to live my life, and a place in this world.”

For more testimonials CLICK HERE!